Pre Game Show for GET THERE workshop
Take a look at the Pre Game Show for the GET THERE Athletic Scholarship and Recruiting Planning workshop. The GET THERE program has already assisted over 1000 male and female student athletes of all sports and it is quickly becoming the premier option for families wanting to get to the collegiate level. The GET THERE workshop is available via an online workshop ( see website details for free trial and to purchase the entire 13 video collection ) or a face to face workshop.
Too many great student athletes miss out on the opportunity to take their academic and athletic games to the college level simply because they fell prey to 3 common myths…
MYTH 1 “Your coach will get you a scholarship” Your coaches are great people and can certainly help you…but do not leave your future in anyone else’s hands. Coaches are busy and do not have the time to do the work necessary to find you the college that is right for you.
MYTH 2 ” You’re not big enough, good enough, fast enough etc. ” Don’t let negative people steal your dreams. Go to college recruiters, train hard to develop yourself and see what they think.
MYTH 3 “If you’re good enough…they will find you.” Top college recruiters emphasize the importance of being proactive with your recruiting efforts, to develop a Recruiting Plan and to initiate the process yourself!
The PRE GAME SHOW will give you a glimpse of how the Triple Play Athletics GET THERE Program can change your lives!