

Thank you so much for your mentorship and guidance on my recruiting journey. It was truly a rollercoaster. Your positivity and belief in me helped maintain my confidence! Thanks for helping me achieve my dream!

– August 2023  Kiran

We wanted to thank you for your enthusiasm and giving us the tools our daughter needed to achieve her dream. It is her absolute dream come true and we couldn’t be more proud. You gave us a different perspective on how to best navigate our daughter’s last years of high school and encouraged her to shoot for the stars! We are eternally grateful!

– March 2020   C, N and K Hill

There are not enough words to express how much we appreciate you meeting with our family. Your knowledge and enthusiasm was contagious.  It was amazing to watch you interact with my son and how he opened up to you.  The goals and steps that you and he came up with are fabulous.  He was so excited and has his goal sheet up on his bedroom wall.  I am looking forward to watching him continue to flourish and reach for his goals!

– February 2019   Amanda

Do you have an athlete at home?? If so listen up! Bill is great at helping to inspire and inform student athletes on future opportunities. He’s made a huge impact on our family. Thank you.

Erin, JAN 2019

We recently started working with Bill and are amazed on how much we’ve learned already. I couldn’t imagine navigating through this without him. Bill is an inspiration to work with & is passionate about seeing his students succeed.

– CAROLYN H, Jan 2019 

Thanks Bill! Our session with you was a very informative and useful session! The best 4 hours of working on a vision and strategy that I’ve experienced! We are excited to be working with you !

– Bruce C,  Dec. 2018

Thanks for all the great information that you gave us today.  Parents need information and a starting point and most of us have no idea how to go about this process. 

-Kathryn,  Sept, 2018

Thank you so much for the workshop. I love your enthusiasm and passion for what you do.

– Danielle, July 2018

Your session with our track club participants was very valuable in helping the students to evaluate courses and credits for Gr. 12 graduation, working towards their goals and researching scholarships-school options.   All of the participants at your course are now at University on combined athletic-academic scholarships- you are batting 100% with our group.   

 – Duncan Track Club, 2017

Wow – What a great day!  My boys are so pumped to have some expert direction and support with their athletic pursuits.  I sincerely appreciate your guidance and knowledge.

Thank you so much for your heartfelt encouragement!

– Lorraine, May 2018


Thank you again for the informative and rock-solid session yesterday. We gained so much from it!!!     

– Helen, Feb 2018

What you are doing for these athletes and parents is wonderful. It is certainly a huge asset having you in this community and your knowledge is so valuable. Thanks again so much!

– Turcottefamily, 2018

Thank you for your help in getting us on the right track. We are not feeling overwhelmed like some parents of Grade 11 and 12 student athletes on our team. Great to start early.

– Wayne, Jan 2018

THANK YOU for finding us, thank you for providing us with this invaluable assistance!  Thanks for being you!  All of us really enjoyed our time with you. Each of us got different things from our time together, but we all gained valuable insights!

Sam family, Jan. 2018

We would like to thank you again for the informative and interesting workshop that we attended.  We thoroughly enjoyed it. Again, we thank you for your help and your enthusiasm.  You have really opened up our eyes to endless dreams for our children

– Jamie, May 2017

I wanted to drop you a quick note of thanks on behalf of my family.  Your enthusiasm and guidance to our daughter has been very helpful and appreciated by Laurel and I.

She utilized much of your advise before committing.  She had multiple offers, expressions of interest and university visits but ultimately chose a school she felt would be the best fit for her.  

Thank You Bill !!!.

– Cal & Laurel, Dec. 2017

Hi Bill,

 Thank you very much for all you did for my daughter Natalie!You helped her so much and it is so important to me to know she was able to talk to you and receive advice from you.  It is awesome for parents to know their daughter has you in their corner.

She was able to earn many scholarships because of her marks and community work.  (Over $37,000 in scholarships!).  As you can imagine, we are proud and thankful.

We are so appreciative of your advice!

 – Raffaele and Geraldine, June 2017

HI Bill, 

just wanted to say THANK YOU for the seminar.  It was great.  Jaimie talked non-stop about all her future plans and goals all the way home (for an hour).  She found you very inspiring!

I really appreciate all the information you gave us – if it wasn’t for you, I would not have a clue as to where to start.  

Thanks so much!

Valerie, May 2017